Hows to fix your eyes to your goal for fast achivement

Silicon Carbide is also known as the carborundum. It is a compound that is made with the elements like carbon and silicon. The chemical formula of this compound is SIC. It occurs in the natural state in the raw mineral form known as the moissanite. From the year 1893, this compound is being mass produced to be used as the abrasive. A small amount of grains of SIC is bonded together by the process of sintering to form a hard type of ceramics. They are widely used in various applications including car clutches, car brakes, bulletproof vests and ceramic plates. In the electronic field, this compound is largely used as the light emitting diodes and detectors.

Apart from the above usage, this compound is also used in the semiconductor devices that work in HV areas. Large crystals of SIC is made with the help of the Lely method. They are cut in a gem like structures.


Carbide is a hard covalent compound that is largely produced by the process of carbothermal reduction of silica. Depending on the exact reaction situations, the resultant SIC that IS formed is either fine powder or occurs in the ground mass state.

Key properties-

There are various properties of this material. It is a refractory material that is having high melting point. It is having high thermal conductivity and low thermal expansion. Additionally to it, SIC is hard in nature, corrosion resistance and highly stiff. Carbide has interesting properties due to the various semiconductor features.

Commercial grading of SILICON Carbide-

The commercial Sic products that are used for the engineering applications are available in three forms- one is the sintered silicon carbide, nitride bonded silicon carbide and the reaction bonded silicon carbide. There are various other types of Sic forms available like the clay-bonded SILICON carbide and the SIAION bonded SILICON carbide. The first form is used in various refractory applications depending on the manufacturing needs.

There are various benefits of using the SIC in the electric voltage purposes. This compound is having high voltage acceptance than the silicon. SIC switches are placed in series and are required in various HV requirements. It reduces the system complexity, cost-effective and reliable too. Sic operates in the region of higher temperature like 400 degree that is more than silicon. Thus, it helps in reducing the cooling costs and complexities in the HV areas. These are some of the benefits of using SIC.The ongoing battle of words between Piers Morgan and Virender Sehwag seems to be reaching new heights, at least as far as Piers Morgan is concerned. The man may be quick to admonish anyone who doesn't 'dot their I's or cross their T's but his insistence on grammatical sentencing and spelling is not going down well with a lot of people. The poor 'bard' must be literally shaking in his grave!

English is a funny language, we have heard many say. And indeed it is through its nuances of sounds and spellings that can throw even the most seasoned off-guard. But without doubt English is one of the most widely spoken languages and easily the most popular for communication at international levels.

The new British Prime Minister, Theresa May recently announced a huge reform to the UK education policy by calling for a new generation of selective schools. She has vowed to bring in legislation to overturn the ban on new grammar schools, a policy which has been in effect since 1998. Grammar schools have had a dubious distinction of taking up for the higher echelons of society.

But first, let's understand what a 'Grammar School' is.

A grammar school is that which selects its students through an examination called the '11-plus', which means that children of that age take the exam. By virtue of this, it attains a special status. Under the system, a child who passes the exam is eligible to attend the local grammar school while a child who fails goes to the 'secondary modern school'. In certain boroughs and counties in the UK there are no grammar schools which are non-selective with no special status although they bear the name of a grammar school.

The modern school was made effective through the Education Act of 1944 although the concept of these schools goes way back to the 16th century. Secondary Education was reorganized into two types namely grammar school education and secondary schools. Through the former it was assumed that pupils would move on to higher studies by focusing on academics while the latter was meant for those children who would take up a trade or technical jobs. It basically segregated those that would go on to university studies and celebrated professions and those who seemed more suitable for lesser jobs. Many children in India (belonging to low-income families) find themselves thrown into the real-world battles quite early in life. In a country where Right to Education is a law, as many as 126,66,377 children work in various sectors only to earn their meal for the day. Yet, a change has been brewing steadily where children today are opting education over work.

Every Child Must be Educated

Earlier, many families considered a child to be an additional resource to fetch income to feed the family and to feed the children. This has considerably changed over the years. Thanks to the initiatives and schemes by the Government of India, many children are now encouraged to attend school. Additionally, when the children started to benefit from mid-day meal schemes in schools, they started bringing along their siblings which solved the problem of most parents.

The Changes over the Years

The 1998 National Census of India estimated the total number of children workers, aged 4-15, to be at 12.6 million, out of a total child population of 253 million in 5-14 age group. The 2011 National Census of India found the total number of working children, aged 5-14, to be at 4.35 million, and the total child population to be 259.64 million in that age group. So yes, the numbers have declined but the problem of putting children to school remains to be solved.

A National Policy on Child Labour was formulated in 1987 and ever since, the government has tried to ensure children attend school. One of the more remarkable steps of the government has been the enactment of 'The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act' or Right to Education Act also known as RTE. It was enacted on August 4 2009, which describes the modalities of the importance of free and compulsory education for children between 6 and 14 in India under Article 21A of the Indian Constitution. In addition, the government set off to accelerate the various policies about children's education in its existing system.

One such step was the launching of Mid-Day Meal Scheme in 2004. This scheme has seen several reforms over the years with a view to include all of government schools in the system. The primary objective of Mid-Day Meal Programme is to feed one wholesome meal to children in order to encourage them to come to school. The government has tied up with non-governmental organisations in order to implement MDMS efficiently in schools to reach out to as many children as possible.

Benefits of Mid-Day Meal Programme

Children are now encouraged to attend school and this has so far proved to be a win-win for parents belonging to economically weaker sections. The parents are now realising that they can feed the children by relying on school lunch programmes. The Mid Day Meal Scheme has benefitted the children in more ways than one. Properly-fed children feel more motivated to work hard on their academics, experience an overall physical and mental growth and understand the importance of having ambitions for future.

The impact on the lives of the children has been tremendous ever since the organisations has implemented its Mid-Day Meal Programme. There are stories of hope where children have been benefitted for real in the mission of Food for Education. You can be part of this amazing cause of encouraging children to attend school. Sponsor a child today! That is the inscription on a life-sized bronze statue of Will Rogers which stands on a pedestal which is strategically placed in the U.S. Congress, in the perfect corner between the rotunda and the chamber of the House of Representatives, where bills are proposed, the beginnings of new law. If you have watched news coverage of House members entering that chamber, likely, the news people are standing at the base of this statue. Why? It is the perfect place to catch a congressman unaware and to possibly snag a snatch of truth in an impromptu interview. The toes of the statue of Rogers are polished brass, worn down over time by elected officials who run their fingers across them when they are on their way to the chamber to vote. They do that for luck, and to make a promise to the great American that they will remain true to the American people that they represent in that chamber. Wow!

Will Rogers, born to a Cherokee family in Oklahoma in 1879, is classed as a vaudeville actor and later a motion picture star. He was a cowboy as well as a Native American by birth. He became a columnist, and by a combination of all of these things, he generously shared his remarkable good humor. Finally, he is called a social commentator, but I want to elevate that title to philosopher. He was the best kind of philosopher because he was known to so many people who saw him act or who read his newspaper articles, could make people laugh, and then, on top of that, he taught Americans to be good, honest, and moral. Lord knows America needs a journalist who can do that today! Sadly, we have no one worthy to cast a shadow on his bronze statue. Web search Will Rogers. Learn all that you can about him, and especially read his quotations. Here is one: "Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip." I suppose that today's parrot would be private e-mail that everyone was able to read.

It seems that he lived his life as a grand adventure, stepping out in any direction, wide-eyed and grinning, seeking to experience all that he could. "I never met a man I didn't like," he was remembered to say. Indeed, he could write a column to chastise someone, especially a politician who had morally strayed, and do it tongue-in-cheek so that the subject was not vilified. In that sense, he did so much to shape America in the early 20th century to be a good nation filled with people who had a sense of decency. In his time, Americans were still mostly small town people who cared about each other. Will Rogers died while on an adventure in pursuit of a new pastime, aviation, in the wilderness of Alaska. Web search, but don't dwell on how he died. Take for yourself the goodness of how he lived.

There is highway marker placed at the western end of the most famous U.S. Highway known as Route 66. The marker is a dedication to Will Rogers, a footnote on this route which passes east and west through his home state of Oklahoma. He took it many times, sometimes going east and sometimes west. On the marker, find this inscription: "The first road he traveled in a career that led him straight to the hearts of his countrymen." Say a prayer of gratitude for Will Rogers.


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