
Showing posts from May, 2019

Hows to fix your eyes to your goal for fast achivement

Silicon Carbide is also known as the carborundum. It is a compound that is made with the elements like carbon and silicon. The chemical formula of this compound is SIC. It occurs in the natural state in the raw mineral form known as the moissanite. From the year 1893, this compound is being mass produced to be used as the abrasive. A small amount of grains of SIC is bonded together by the process of sintering to form a hard type of ceramics. They are widely used in various applications including car clutches, car brakes, bulletproof vests and ceramic plates. In the electronic field, this compound is largely used as the light emitting diodes and detectors. Apart from the above usage, this compound is also used in the semiconductor devices that work in HV areas. Large crystals of SIC is made with the help of the Lely method. They are cut in a gem like structures. Background- Carbide is a hard covalent compound that is largely produced by the process of carbothermal reduction of si